In Ayurveda we have a medical system which still trusts the human sense organs. Ayur means 'life' and Vedas means 'knowledge'. Ayurveda is a knowledge of natural harmony and a method of removing disharmony.
Ayurveda is a form of treatment by natural remedies, which makes use of the power of nature to restore human beings to a state of balance.
Ayurveda is the science by which life in its totality is understood. It describes the dies, medicines, and behaviours that are beneficial or harmful for life and consciousness. Not surprisingly, Ayurveda is called "the mother of all healings" because it cares for all creatures as a mother does for her children.
Corporate office,
1, Chirlya Road, Near Kunj Oil Mil, Master Dharmkanta, Charkhi Dadri City,
Bhiwani, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana, India, 127306